Association of School Nurses of Connecticut
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ASNC Updates to Members

Posted about 1 year ago by Lauren Young

Dear ASNC Members,

The mission of the Association of School Nurses of Connecticut is to support, assist, and enhance the practice of professional school nurses in their development and implementation of comprehensive school health services that promotes student’s health and academic success.

 In full disclosure, in order to meet the aforementioned mission, this will serve as notice that in order to maintain the Association of School Nurses of Connecticut through the COVID-19 pandemic, many of the executive board positions, which are all held by volunteers, had to be filled by appointment from the President and elected by the Executive Board.

This varies from our existing bylaws, which would have registered member attendees at the Spring membership meeting vote on the board members. This year’s Spring Membership Meeting will be held May 8, 2024.  Board members assume their role September 1 of the following school year.

During the past four years there have not been enough volunteers to vote. The Association has been fortunate enough to maintain enough board members and gain just enough interest so the President could appoint new roles. There are still vacancies in elected roles: President Elect and Corresponding Secretary.

 Many executive board members remained in their executive board roles significantly longer in order to keep the Association of School Nurses of Connecticut functioning. Through online monthly meetings the executive board was able to ensure that as the pandemic reduced, Connecticut was able to successfully host the New England School Nurse Conference in May 2023. 

The executive board is currently working on updating bylaws to reflect the current climate. 

May membership meeting to be held May 8, 2024  celebrating school nurses; membership will be informed of the updated bylaws and any election will be held. 

In addition to the vacant elected positions, there are still Standing Committees available to become an active chair; those committee chairs are appointed by the current President. Please reach out if you would like to become more engaged in your professional organization. 

Thank you,

Paula M. Feyerharm, MA, RN

ASNC President and

ASNC Board 


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